Looking for a quick way to boost your credit score? Boost Your Credit in 60 Days!
Get rid of derogatory accounts. Either pay them or dispute them if they are incorrect. Often you can negotiate the debt with creditors for less than the actual debt, but this will be reported to the IRS and you may be subject to paying taxes on the difference.
Use credit cards but no more than 30% of available credit monthly. Be sure to pay them down to $10 every single month.
Open 1-2 new credit accounts and do not use more than 30% of available credit.
Find someone who is willing to add you to their credit card as an authorized user. Make sure they know you need an old account with a good payment history and rarely used.
Make on-time payments on all accounts.
Refrain from any new derogatory accounts.
Do not close the oldest credit accounts you have. Credit age matters. Instead, avoid using them more than 30% and pay off or pay down to $10 monthly.